Groundnut Network Group – Asia (GNG–A) Workshop 2018 - Minutes

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Pasupuleti Janila, Sunil Chaudhari, TV Murali. (15/4/2019). Groundnut Network Group – Asia (GNG–A) Workshop 2018 - Minutes.
The Groundnut Network Group-Asia (GNG-A) represented by multi-disciplinary teams from CG, NARS, NGOs and private sector to strengthen the ‘crop breeding, testing and delivery pipelines’ of groundnut in Asia. The Network is expected to be a platform for (a) product design and trait prioritization through feedback from target ecologies (b) deploying breeding strategies for enhanced selection efficiency and optimized operational efficiency in terms of time and resources, (c) testing in target sites to address GXEXM (d) delivery through partnerships that include linking products to commercial entities (industry) and applying models that would ensure rapid adoption to scale by farmers, (d) decision support for product advancement, (e) exchange of knowledge, and (e) continuous capacity building.

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