Mainstreaming energy- and labor-saving traits in food legumes for efficient and nutritious agri-food systems in South Asia project_Annual Technical Report

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Shiv Kumar Agrawal. (30/9/2019). Mainstreaming energy- and labor-saving traits in food legumes for efficient and nutritious agri-food systems in South Asia project_Annual Technical Report.
Food legumes play an important role in food and nutrition security in South Asia. Mainstreaming energy- and labour-saving traits in food legumes is desirable for efficient and nutritious agri-food systems in targeted countries, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Keeping that in mind, ICARDA and partners evaluated improved germplasm of lentil, chickpea, faba bean and grass pea for traits associated with machine harvestability, herbicide tolerance and fast cooking time besides nutritional value at two locations. This has resulted in identification of high yielding improved elite germplasm for sharing with NARS partners. Seeds of these lines have been multiplied and shared with NARS partners in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan in the form of International nurseries, the results of them is awaited. Adoption of these lines will help reduce the labour drudgery, save energy in cooking and improve the availability of nutrient rich foods in the region.

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