Key stakeholders identified as well as main challenges and opportunities for CLCA systems for Oaxaca, Mexico

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Maria Boa Alvarado, Lennart Woltering. (28/2/2020). Key stakeholders identified as well as main challenges and opportunities for CLCA systems for Oaxaca, Mexico. Mexico: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT).
Component 1 of the CLCA project deals with adaptive research and integrated capacity development of key partners to fully implement and evaluate CLCA. The first year of the project focused on assessing the stakeholders involved in crop-livestock systems, their motivations, and their limitations. This report summarizes findings from desk studies, and one field visit in February, 2020. a) CLCA project in Mexico sets a lot of emphasis on stakeholder participation as part of the research process, to ensure the constructive engagement with the strategic actors throughout the project life cycle and beyond. b) It is important to leverage existing collaborations and work with those that already operate at scale and have the (potential) capacity and interest to engage in scaling CLCA, including stakeholders from different sectors. c) It exists willingness and promising opportunities from a range of sectors to move to a more sustainable production system. d) According to the Scaling Scan results, the current bottlenecks to scale CA in crop-livestock systems in the Mixteca Alta are: not a clear business model, limited support by public sector, and scattered leadership and management. During the project most interested and best suited stakeholders have to be determined to take the leadership on scaling CA principles in the Mixteca Alta.