Overview on livestock policies in the Bedouin area Northwestern coast zone of Egypt

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Daoud, Ibrahim
Osman, Mona Abd El-Zaher
Alary, Veronique
Tourrand, Jean François


Ibrahim Daoud, Mona Abd El-Zaher Osman, Veronique Alary, Jean François Tourrand. (1/12/2020). Overview on livestock policies in the Bedouin area Northwestern coast zone of Egypt, in "livestock policies". France: The French Agricultural Research Center for International Development (CIRAD).
This chapter describes the main development policies of the Northwestern coast zone (NWCZ) of Egypt, especially those having contributed to the significant changes of the livestock sector from the past decades until today. The main goal is to understand better causes and effects of the successive policies and the main reasons for their implementation. The basis of this chapter is the doctorate thesis of Ibrahim Daoud (2016) which has been written in part as a contribution to the Springer’s book entitled Building resilience of human‐natural systems of pastoralism in the developing world: Interdisciplinary perspectives. We have chosen a chronologic presentation of the main policies, after a short presentation of the area.

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