Estimation of heritability from varietal trials data

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Salvatore Ceccarelli, John Hamblin. (1/5/1993). Estimation of heritability from varietal trials data. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 86, pp. 437-441.
We present the estimation of heritabilities of an observed trait in situations where evaluation of several pure breeding lines is performed in a trial at a single location and in trials from several locations. For the single location situation, we evaluate exact confidence intervals, the probability of invalid estimates, and the percentage points of the distribution of heritability. Simulations were performed to numerically verify the results. Additionally, approximations to the bias and standard error of the estimate were obtained and are presented along with their simulated values and coefficients of skewness and kurtosis. For trials in several locations, explicit expressions for exact values of confidence limits are not available. Further, one would require knowledge of one more parameter, represented by the ratio of genotype x environment (G x E) interaction variance to error variance, in addition to the number of genotypes, replication and true heritability value. Approximations were made for bias and the standard error of estimates of heritability. The evaluation of the distribution of heritability and its moments was recognized as a problem of the linear function of an independent chi-square. The methods have been illustrated by data from experiments on grain and straw yield of 64 barley genotypes evaluated at three locations.

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