Farm typology specific intensification and diveriscation options including agro-silvi-horticulture with traditional rainwater harvesting systems

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Kumar Shalander, Anthony Whitbread. (15/7/2015). Farm typology specific intensification and diveriscation options including agro-silvi-horticulture with traditional rainwater harvesting systems. Hyderabad, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).
Based on farm typology analysis integrated farming system interventions were prioritized in participatory mode. A total six large agri horti units has been established and linked with RWHS (Rain water harvesting structures) to ensure the nutritional and livelihood security of resource poor households. Besides of this a total of twenty five 20 plants agri-horticulture kitchen gardens linked to women have been also established in six villages with Pitcher system and Survivability in large unit observed 90% and 60 % in 20 plants units till end of May. In two large units, the seasonal vegetable production has been also taken by women in Dhirasar village. This has resulted in changing farmers attitude and has increased their confidence to produce fruits under water scarcity conditions.

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