AMMI, GGE biplots and regression analysis to comprehend the G x E interaction in multi-environment barley trials

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Vishnu, Kumar
Kharub, Ajit Singh
Verma, Ramesh Pal Singh
Verma, Ajay


Kumar Vishnu, Ajit Singh Kharub, Ramesh Pal Singh Verma, Ajay Verma. (4/6/2016). AMMI, GGE biplots and regression analysis to comprehend the G x E interaction in multi-environment barley trials. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 76 (2), pp. 202-204.
The present study was carried out to ascertain the stable genotypes, environments discrimination and genotype by environment crossovers using different stability models. In AMMI ANOVA, genotype x location interaction implied substantial variation (17.61%) and IPCA1 and IPCA2 altogether captured 65.72% of the interaction mean squares, whereas, in GGE model, PC1 and PC2 captured 36.34% and 15.74% variation, respectively. Four genotypes viz., BH987, DWRB126, DWRB128 and RD2891and two checks, namely, DWRUB52 and DWRB92 were found stable as per GGE AEC view and AMMI biplot. The genotypes, DWRB126 and RD2891 and check DWRB92 were also observed as consistent performers by regression model. The test environments at Bawal, Navgaon and Hisar were observed representative with better discriminating ability. GGE biplot model was found suitable for polygon, AEC view and test environments evaluation.

Author(s) ORCID(s)

Verma, Ramesh Pal Singh