2017 - 2018 Technical Report - Root and Tuber Crops for Agricultural Transformation in Malawi

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Felistus Chipungu, Paul Demo, Pheneas Ntawuruhunga, Obed Mwenye. (30/6/2018). 2017 - 2018 Technical Report - Root and Tuber Crops for Agricultural Transformation in Malawi. Lima, Peru: International Potato Center (CIP).
The International Potato Center (CIP), with funding from Irish Aid, is leading the implementation of a 5-year project entitled “Root and Tuber Crops for Agricultural Transformation in Malawi” (RTC-ACTION Malawi). The project is designed as a national research and development (R&D) programme, with technical coordination by CIP and close ties to the Root and Tuber Crops Development Trust for stakeholder engagement. The goal of RTC-ACTION Malawi is to increase the contributions of root and tuber crops (RTCs) to food security, nutrition, and incomes in Malawi.

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