SKiM - 2021 Annual Progress Report

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Akmal Akramkhanov, Valerio Graziano. (31/12/2021). SKiM - 2021 Annual Progress Report.
Component/Output 1: KM capacity assessment for enhanced formulation of learning needs Activity 1.1: Assessment of knowledge management capacity gaps and learning needs Activity 1.2: Formulation of Approach Paper on knowledge management and communication strategy Activity 1.3: Formulation of capacity development and innovation plans for the target countries Activity 1.4: Regional workshop to kick-start implementation plans and Community of Practice establishment Component/Output 2: Capacity development and knowledge systematization Activity 2.1: Delivery of on-demand training courses Activity 2.2: Organization of ‘learning routes’ Component/Output 3: Enhanced regional knowledge exchange Activity 3.1: Set-up and regular maintenance of online portal that builds upon previous tools and capacities Activity 3.2: Roll-out of five knowledge symposia Activity 3.3: Development and dissemination of knowledge products

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