Progress Report: Increase livestock productivity to improve availability of animal proteins to the households and increased revenues and wellbeing of livestock keepers

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Barbara Rischkowsky, Mourad Rekik, Mounir Louhaichi, Muhi El-Dine Hilali, Makhmud Shaumarov, Jutta Werner. (31/12/2016). Progress Report: Increase livestock productivity to improve availability of animal proteins to the households and increased revenues and wellbeing of livestock keepers.
Meat, milk, fiber and pelts from small ruminants are key income sources for agro-pastoral communities living in mountainous regions in Tajikistan or on marginal salt-affected land in Uzbekistan. As their main source of fodder, sheep and goats depend on rangelands which occupy a large proportion of the total land area within Central Asia (approximately 260 million hectares or approximately 65% of the total land). The project aims to increase livestock productivity to improve availability of animal proteins to households and increase revenues and wellbeing of livestock keepers. The livestock project applies a comprehensive approach by combining value chain analysis with rangeland, forage and livestock research to create integrated packages of improved management practices. The main objective is to increase the returns from keeping sheep and goats on marginal lands in the Aral Sea basin and Fergana Valley through integrated livestock and rangeland management. This report gives a brief overview of the progress in the different research activities and interventions.

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