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Mustafa Sarı, yusuf Kurucu, Erhan AKÇA, Muhsin Eren, Selahattin Selahattin Kadir, Hikmet Gunal, Claudio Zucca, Ibrahim Atalay, Zülküf KAYA, Franco Previtali, Pandi Zdruli, Selim Kapur, Ewart Adsil FitzPatrick. (3/1/2018). Luvisols, in "The soils of Turkey". Berlin, Germany: springer international publishing.
Chromic and Rhodic Livisols, otherwise knozn as the Red Medterranean Soils or the TErra Rossa, Show marked textiral differences and genetic peculiarities within their profil, Controvesial genetic characteristics observed in Luvisol profiles are related to the impacts of the successive climatic changes of the Quaternary and represent the scientificheritage of the terra Rossa SOILS.

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