Report of the GFAR Constituent Assembly, 24-26 August 2015
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GFAR Secretariat. (26/8/2015). Report of the GFAR Constituent Assembly, 24-26 August 2015.
The GFAR Constituent Assembly brought together over 100 representative stakeholders (Annex 1)
from all sectors and all regions, to consider and renew the role, purpose and governance of GFAR.
This landmark Assembly formed a key step in a process of governance review, reform and renewal of
the Global Forum, responding to the fact that much has changed in the world of agricultural
research and innovation since the Forum was first established in 1996.
Participants in the Assembly were selected from each region by Regional Fora and networks, and
globally, as involving a legitimate and representative cross-section of organizations and networks, as
identified by the multi-stakeholder Strategic Governance Working Group. They included farmers’
organizations, consumer associations, NGOs/CSOs, the private sector in various forms, national
public research and rural advisory services, higher education, Regional Fora for agricultural research
and innovation, FAO and other multilateral organizations, international agricultural research centres,
women’s groups, youth groups, development banks and foundations, and financing and technical
partners. Participants included those long familiar with the Global Forum and those new to the
forum and its partners. The GFAR Constituent Assembly was made possible through financial
support from the European Commission and the support of FAO as host of the GFAR Secretariat.