Caravan 22: Review of agriculture in the dry areas
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Open access
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). (30/6/2005). Caravan 22: Review of agriculture in the dry areas. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
This issue of Caravan provides examples of ICARDA's work with its partners to help ensure sustainability of livelihoods for the poor in marginal areas.
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AGROVOC Keyword(s)
livestock; small ruminants; technology; sheep; goats; feeds; central asia; stubble; livestock production; farmers; straw; north africa; green revolution; flocks; yoghurt; cheese; grass pea; water resources management; seed health; milk production; small enterprises; jabali goat; fertilizer application; alley cropping; feed resources; lamb fattening; agrobiodiversity; european commission; rangeland degradation; fallow; mediterranean countries; collaboration; rangeland restoration; acacia cyanophylla; barley; wheat; lentil; cactus; grass pea (lathyrus sativus)
nobel prize laureate; dr norman borlaug; nutritious feed; jabbans; pakistan office inaugurated; large-scale farms; mulberry trees; feed source; small ruminant health; tomato pulp; urea-based feed blocks; mulberry leaves; planting cactus; direct reseeding; pitting machine; atriplex alley; feeding cost; near east and north africa (nena); wana; west asia