Biological control of the millet head miner: economic feasibility of establishing parasitoid cottage industry
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Malick BA. (1/2/2017). Biological control of the millet head miner: economic feasibility of establishing parasitoid cottage industry. Hyderabad, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).
We tested the effect of different substrate (sugar, honey) on Bracon hebetor adult performance, along with the effect of addition of different proportion of cowpea flour to host-larvae Corcyra cephalonica diet on parasitoid multiplication. The field trials included direct release of 400, 800, 1600 adults of B. hebetor per 5km2 compare to control villages which did not received any parasitoids. Furthermore timing releases of the parasitoids in relation of pearl millet phenology and pest dynamic have been tested for better controlling the pest. Finally discussions have been engaged with farmers’ organization to identify the best model for parasitoid commercialization.
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BA, Malick