Technical Report: Training course on Best practices fo conserving genetic resources and management of genebank - February 8-19, 2016

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Masafumi Tamura. (14/11/2016). Technical Report: Training course on Best practices fo conserving genetic resources and management of genebank - February 8-19, 2016.
Genetic resources conservation and sustainable use are pre-requisites for sustainable agricultural development and food security. They are used as sources of valuable genes to develop new cultivars resistant and tolerant to major biotic and abiotic stresses. They can be also adopted in the rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems. ICARDA is assisting countries in the Central, West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region to establish strong plant genetic resource conservation programs. One of the ICARDA GRS unit objective is to strengthen the capacities of National Agricultural Research System (NARS) genebank through training and technical backstopping.

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