MART-AZR Project Research Report 41: The Role of Extension in FSR

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Camel Talug, Muhammad Aslam, Arshad Ali, Chowdry M. B. (1/4/1989). MART-AZR Project Research Report 41: The Role of Extension in FSR. Punjab, Pakistan: Arid Zone Research Institute**.
The Farming Systems Approach to Research (FSR) offers a means by which research and extension activities may be made more effective to address the farmer’s needs. FSR brings researchers in closer contact with farmers and extensionists and helps to integrate the processes of technology generation and technology transfer. Extension scientists should participate as active partners throughout the FSR process. Their local knowledge can be helpful in defining recommendation domains, in the diagnosis of problems experienced by farmers, and in determining research priorities. By narrowing the social the gap between researchers and farmers, extensionists can assist in ensuring effective two-way communication. Their continued presence in areas targeted for research can help in making a series of farmer-managed trials possible and more cost-effective by taking over routine supervisory roles from researchers. FSR can and should provide proven and more relevant technologies for extensionists to transfer. Their involvement from the initial stages of the research process helps to guarantee their commitment to extending the particular technology in question. Furthermore, the intimate understanding thus gained of the strengths and weaknesses of the technology under test means that the extensionist is in a position to speak with confidence and authority when transferring the technology to farmers.

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