SKiM - 2022 Morocco Learning Route Information Note

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SKiM - 2022 Morocco Learning Route Information Note.
Case studies were carefully selected through multiple consultations processes among stakeholders to ensure inclusivity and consideration of different aspects of KM and thematic areas on the SKiM project. The target group is country institutions dealing with agricultural and rural solutions. Potential institutions for inclusion in this project include key decision and policy support agencies, departments, and units housed or associated with 10 different Ministries such as Ministries of Agriculture, Environment, or Water, and Rural Planning Institutions that are responsible for rural welfare, natural resources management, and agricultural production. The organization of the learning route in Morocco aims to present to Moroccan and international partners participants best practices in the KM, focusing the whole chain of innovation. Indeed, the visits will start by presenting institutional arrangements regarding KM in higher education and research institutions (IAV, INRA and ENA) as well as in extension agency (ONCA).