Presentation at Annual Planning Meeting of Afghanistan Projects, April 2016, New Delhi
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Murari Singh. (10/5/2016). Presentation at Annual Planning Meeting of Afghanistan Projects, April 2016, New Delhi.
This presentation highlights the scope and the workplan for Biometrical and Statistical Activities to support research under the Community Livestock and Agricultural Project (CLAP) for Afghanistan for its Sub-component 2.3 - Improved Food, Fodder and Vegetable Crops (IFVEC) on Crops: wheat, barley, chickpea, lentil, faba bean, mung bean, tomato, alfalfa, clover, vetch and grasspea.
The Key Activity-lines presented included:
1. Efficient experimental designs and sound statistical analysis of data to enhance the efficiency of each crop germplasm development.
2. GxE interaction study: Rationalization of the evaluation environment for a specific crop, identify lines for broad/specific adaptation, identify stable locations, and quantify the rate of breeding progress; incorporating spatial variability and covariances between the environments
3. Afghanistan-ICARDA Agricultural Research Data/Information Generation, Storage, Processing and Sharing System (ARDGSPSS)
4. Share knowledge: Techniques and Tools [ Training]
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Singh, Murari