Science workshop on sustainable rangeland governance and restoration in tunisia and senegal

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Contributes to SDGs

SDG 1 - No povertySDG 2 - Zero hungerSDG 5 - Gender equalitySDG 6 - Clean water and sanitationSDG 12 - Responsible consumption and productionSDG 13 - Climate actionSDG 15 - Life on land


Frija, Aymen
Alary, Veronique
Idoudi, Zied
Carpentier, Irene
Cesaro, Jean-daniel
Abdeladhim, Mohamed Arbi
Rudiger, Udo
Louhaichi, Mounir


Aymen Frija, Veronique Alary, Zied Idoudi, Irene Carpentier, Jean-daniel Cesaro, BABA BA, Mohamed Arbi Abdeladhim, Udo Rudiger, Mounir Louhaichi. (12/7/2023). Science workshop on sustainable rangeland governance and restoration in tunisia and senegal. URL:
The vast rangelands of Tunisia and Senegal are critical for the livelihoods of pastoral communities, providing grazing land for their herds and other essential resources and ecosystem services. However, these fragile ecosystems face numerous threats, including climate change, land degradation, and encroachment from urban and economic activities. To develop better strategies to address these challenges, cross-country experts gathered in June at an ICARDA-led science workshop in Tunis, Tunisia entitled “Characterizing collective action for rangeland restoration in Tunisia and Senegal - Frameworks and lessons learned and scope for enhanced implementation of restoration programs”. This blog highlights unified recommendations that will help improve collective action for sustainable rangeland restoration and valorization in pastoral areas of Tunisia and Senegal.