Genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)

cg.contributor.centerInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.contributor.centerNepal Agricultural Research Council - NARC Nepalen_US
cg.contributor.crpCGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes - GLen_US
cg.contributor.funderIndian Council of Agricultural Research - ICARen_US
cg.contributor.projectIndia Collaborative Program: Restricted funding for breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses in pulses & for 2017/2018 - 2017/2020 - 2020/2021en_US
cg.contributor.project-lead-instituteInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.coverage.regionSouthern Asiaen_US
cg.creator.idSarker, Ashutosh: 0000-0002-9074-4876en_US
cg.journalInternational Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB)en_US
cg.subject.agrovocplant breedingen_US
dc.contributorSarker, Ashutoshen_US
dc.creatorYadav, N. K.en_US
dc.description.abstractGenotype x environment interaction was evaluated under eight environments during lentil growing season of 2013/14 and 2014/15 for grain yield and their component characters of twenty one promising genotypes selected from previous trial of lentil. The variances estimated due genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction were found to be different significantly for all the characters studies indicating distinct nature of genotypes, environments and genotype x environment interactions in phenotypic expression. High estimates of sum of square (SS) for all the traits are expressed by environment. The explained percentage of grain yield by environment, genotype and genotype environment interaction were 54.86, 19.86 and 25.28 respectively. To find out the effects of GEI on grain yield and its attributing characters, the data were subjected to Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) .The results finally indicated that AMMI stability value and AMMI biplot are informative methods to explore stability and adaptation pattern of genotypes in practical plant breeding and in subsequent variety recommendations. In addition, finding mega environments help to identify the most suitable lentil cultivars that can be recommended for areas within the mega-environment in either one or more test locations. The genotype RL39 (1.254 mt ha-1 ) and LL10071 (1.196 mt ha-1 ) produced higher grain yield) than all other genotypes over the environments and performed better at most of the places. The genotypes ,F2003-49L, Arun, 39-S-66L, RL-44, and ILL10071 were found to be comparatively stable as their performance were hardly affected by the G x E interaction and thus would perform well across a wide range of environments. These genotypes produced higher grain yield than all checks.en_US
dc.identifier.citationN. K. Yadav, Ashutosh Sarker. (30/9/2016). Genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik. ). International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB), 1 (3), pp. 354-361.en_US
dc.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
dc.publisherInfogain Publicationen_US
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB);1,(2016) Pagination 354-361en_US
dc.titleGenotype x environment interaction and stability analysis in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)en_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
