Improving Water Use Efficiency Of Dryland Systems With High Potential For Intensification

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Akmal Karimov, Mirzoolim Avliyakulo, Botir Abdurakhmanov, Oyture Anarbekov, Nozilakhon Mukhamedova. (31/12/2014). Improving Water Use Efficiency Of Dryland Systems With High Potential For Intensification.
Period of January – December 2014 Improving Water Use Efficiency Of Dryland Systems With High Potential For Intensification The specific objectives of this study were as follows: (1) To study a potential of improving water use efficiency (WUE) by double cropping winter wheat/legume (mungbean) crop using improved irrigation methods; (2) To study the impact of institutional development in water management on productivity of DSs with high potential for improvement; (3) To study water use at household level.

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