Variation of faba bean genotypes to different Orobanche crenata biotypes in Egypt

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Rehab Abdulraman, Fouad Maalouf, Aladdin Hamwieh, SM Attia, AA Kader, ASM EL-Sayed, H. EL-Hassanien, HM Ibrahim, AS Kholousy. (5/5/2018). Variation of faba bean genotypes to different Orobanche crenata biotypes in Egypt. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important grain legume in East Asia and North Africa. faba bean productivity is severely affected by broomrapes. Resistant varieties to Orobanche have different responses to different Orobanche biotypes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reactions of different faba bean genotypes to five Orobanche populations collected from Sakha, Giza, Malawi, Sids and Shandaweel during 2012/13 and 2013/2014 seasons in Egypt. Two partial resistant varieties (Misr-3 and Giza-843) and one susceptible (Giza-3) were planted in infested soils with different Orobanche populations in randomized block design in early November for cropping 2012/2013 and in split plot design with two date of planting in first week of November and first week of December in 2013/2014 with two different treatments by glyphosate. Genetic relationships the five Orobanche population was estimated by Jaccard genetic distance using five ISSR markers. The results indicated significant differences among genotypes for their reactions to the different Orobanche populations and date of planting. The variety Misr3 showed high degree of resistance to all populations than Giza-843. The genetic distance of the Orobanche populations showed significant differences within populations but not among populations.

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