Elements of a National Strategy for Management and Use of Plant Genetic Resourses in Armenia

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McGuire, Patrick E. (2009). Elements of a National Strategy for Management and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Armenia. Sustainable Agriculture in Central Asia and the Caucasus No. 3. ICARDA-CAC/FAO 2009. 85 pp.
The wide range of altitudinal variation and climate zones in Armenia has produced great plant diversity. The country is extremely rich in crop wild relatives, landraces as well as different breeding varieties of cultivated plants that offer a rich pool of gene resources for utilization in agriculture at present and in the future. However many of these resources are at risk of loss due to lack of awareness, growing human pressure, climate change, environmental disturbances and related factors. The efficient conservation of plant genetic resources and their sustainable utilization are of high priority in Armenia as it strives for greater economic strength through sustainable agricultural development. Within the framework of FAO-EC project “Designing an Integrated Strategy to Improve Armenia’s Food Security through Improved Management and Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources”, a Study was conducted jointly by FAO, ICARDA and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia on “Elements of a National Strategy for Management and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Armenia”. The main objective of the project was to conduct a national study and identify elements that would contribute to effective management and use of Armenian plant genetic resource for food and agriculture (PGRFA) for improvement of agriculture production and food security through effective use of PGRFA. The Study reviewed the current status of PGRFA management in Armenia, identified the emerging challenges and presented key recommendations towards developing a national policy on PGRFA conservation and use through a comprehensive integrated approach. It covered all the sectors related to the management of PGRFA including regulatory frameworks, technology transfer and capacity building. A number of public and private Armenian institutions involved in PGRFA conservation and use provided essential inputs during the two national stakeholders’ workshops held in Yerevan on 2-5 October and 13 November 2007 within the project.