Date Value Chain Analysis, Development, and Competitiveness of Date Palm Products in the Sultanate of Oman

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Boubaker Dhehibi, Meriem Makhlouf, Arash Nejatian, Abdoul Aziz Niane, Muhi El-Dine Hilali, Nasser Al-Abri, Mansoura Al-Amri, Anisa Al-Ghabshi, Haitham Al Khanjari, Saif Alkhamisi. (Accepted on 30/6/2022). Date Value Chain Analysis, Development, and Competitiveness of Date Palm Products in the Sultanate of Oman. Journal of Oasis Agriculture and Sustainable Development.
This paper considers the vision of developing an efficient value chain and strategies to improve Oman's value chain. The critical factors of inclusive and sustainable development of the date value chain are determined to carry out the appropriate actions for improving the date palm sector in Oman. To explore the challenges and opportunities leading to the improvement of the marketing, commercialization, and competitiveness of dates and date palm products in this country, an analytical tool guideline (SWOT) was framed. Such analysis helps raise awareness to create policies for improved marketing of dates. Based on the SWOT analysis, the diversification of date varieties and orientation toward modern plantations are the most critical strengths of the date value chain. However, the increasing competition in regional and global date markets is the primary threat to the date sector in Oman. There is an excellent possibility to promote the date processing industry in Oman, given the rising demand for fresh and processed dates in national and international markets. A profitable and competitive date palm sector could be achieved by focusing on high yield and commercial varieties to ensure higher date palm productivity and the orientation toward adopting quality standards to meet international market demand.

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