Policy-oriented Research in the CGIAR: Assessing the Impact
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Secretariat ISPC. (12/11/2008). Policy-oriented Research in the CGIAR: Assessing the Impact. Rome, Italy: Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC).
Building on an earlier exploratory study, in 2007–2008 the CGIAR’s Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) undertook an initiative in collaboration with seven CGIAR centers to augment the evidence of policy-oriented research (POR) impacts within the CGIAR system and to further the development of methodologies in this challenging area of impact assessment. Seven case studies were commissioned. This impact brief describes the major results that emerged from the overall study. For the full version see: CGIAR Science Council. 2008. Impact Assessment of Policy-Oriented Research in the CGIAR: Evidence and Insights from Case Studies. A study commissioned by the Science Council Standing Panel on Impact Assessment CGIAR Science Council Secretariat: Rome, Italy.