Participatory adaptation of hot pepper varieties for green pod production under irrigation

cg.contributor.centerAmhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute, Gondar Agricultural Research Center - ARARI-GARCen_US
cg.contributor.crpCGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems - DSen_US
cg.contributor.funderAustrian Development Agency - ADAen_US
cg.contributor.projectReducing land degradation and farmers’ vulnerability to climate change in the highland dry areas of north-western Ethiopiaen_US
cg.contributor.project-lead-instituteInternational Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDAen_US
cg.coverage.regionEastern Africaen_US
dc.creatorJemberu, Tsedaluen_US
dc.description.abstractThe present situation in North Gondar Zone indicates that, there are limited Capsicum species and varieties including both improved and the local ones. As a result, varietal information for the improvement of the crop for high fruit yield and quality in the existing agro-ecology is insufficient. There has also been limited research and development effort on developing, adapting, demonstrating and disseminating of improved hot pepper technologies. Evaluating the adaptability of improved hot pepper varieties which enables the growers to select the best performing varieties in the study area should be conducted getting priority. This experiment was initiated to help small producers to achieve sustainable production and fair access to pepper markets in order to increase their income and secure their livelihood by providing adaptable and high yielding varieties. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of some hot pepper varieties for green pod yield and quality under irrigation condition and to recommend best adapting and high yielding varieties for the farmers in the study area. The adaptation trial was conducted at Gumara-Mekisegnit water shade area in 2014/15 under irrigation condition. Totally, six hot pepper varieties were evaluated for quality green pod production using randomized complete block design with three replications under irrigation condition. Farmers were participated in selection of varieties. Varieties marko fana, Indam-10 and Indam-42 were the best performing pepper varieties in terms of green pod yield compared to other varieties. Marko fana outperformed the other hot pepper varieties in terms of green pod yield. Generally, Indam 10 and Indam 42 were early maturing, high number pods producing varieties as well as best performing varieties in terms of green pod yield performing. However theses varieties are characterized by narrower in diameter and shorter in length which fails to meet the best green pod market quality requirement. Melka Eshet and Melka Zala had higher pod length but gave lower yield. Marko fana had wider pod diameter and gave better yield than other varieties. In terms of green pod yield Marko Fana, Indam 10 and Indam 42 were the best performing varieties. Due to diseases infestation all hot pepper varieties did not give best green pod yield and their green pod yield performance were much less compared to when released as well as the crop yield potential.en_US
dc.identifier.citationTsedalu Jemberu. (12/11/2016). Participatory adaptation of hot pepper varieties for green pod production under irrigation.en_US
dc.identifier.statusOpen accessen_US
dc.subjecthot pepperen_US
dc.subjectgreen pod productionen_US
dc.titleParticipatory adaptation of hot pepper varieties for green pod production under irrigationen_US
dc.typeInternal Reporten_US
mel.funder.grant#Austrian Development Agency - ADA :Korr/185-PP/2012en_US
