Country design and stakeholder workshop on the priority country project – Ethiopia Small Ruminant Value Chain

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Barbara Rischkowsky, Peter Ballantyne, Elizabeth J. Poole. (22/2/2020). Country design and stakeholder workshop on the priority country project – Ethiopia Small Ruminant Value Chain.
On 22-24 May 2019, the SmaRT (Small Ruminant Value Chain Transformation) Project in Ethiopia convened a meeting of the ICARDA, ILRI and CIAT team and major partners and stakeholders to discuss the overall plan for the priority country project with special emphasis on Change Pathways. The objectives of the workshop included 1) to achieve a common understanding of objectives and design of the Ethiopia country project, 2) to agree on outcomes and main elements of the change pathways, and 3) to plan action research with agreed roles of key partners. This report outlines the process and main discussion points.

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