Biometrics and Statistics Section activities (2015)

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Murari Singh, Khaled El-Shamaa. (31/1/2016). Biometrics and Statistics Section activities (2015).
This document provides highlights of the activities completed by Biometrics and Statistics Section during 2015. These are given along the following line items of the Workplan 2015. Activity titles: 1. Advisory Support to Research Projects (BSS-1) 2. Exploitation of Advanced Biometrical and Statistical Techniques (BSS-2) 3. International Crop Information System (ICIS) Support (BSS- 3) 4. Bioinformatics Support (BSS-4) 5. Biometrical and Statistical Computing (BSS-5) 6. Statistical software, data management and analysis (BSS-6) 7. Training (BSS- 7) 8. Support to DDG-R Office (BSS-8)

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