SKIM - Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA): Brief

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International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Valerio Graziano, Bastian Mueller. (15/2/2020). SKIM - Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA): Brief.
The first step of the project, in October 2018, was to carry out an institutional KM mapping exercise to identify key players to be targeted in the rural development sector, among four types of organizations representing research, education and extension, both government and non-government. The second step involved an inception workshop – held in October 2018 at the ICARDA office in Rabat, Morocco – to formally launch the project and build partnerships for implementation, as well as to start the CNA. The major purpose of the activity was to undertake an assessment and determine baselines for the current state of KM, knowledge sharing, and learning needs in target organizations in Moldova, Morocco and Sudan. The needs assessment allowed for a diagnosis of present KM-related practices for improvement.

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