Germplasm Enhancement for Increasing Groundnut Productivity and Production in West and Central Africa

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Babu N Motagi, Dramane Sako, Emmanuel Sifueli Monyo, Hakeem Ajeigbe, Ramadjita Tabo, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Rajeev Varshney, Haile Desmae. (20/1/2017). Germplasm Enhancement for Increasing Groundnut Productivity and Production in West and Central Africa. Global, Global: International Agrobiodiversity Congress.
West ond Central Afnca (WCA) account for almosl 70% 01 groundnut produClion 10 Afnca playlOg an Important role 10 larmers' livelihood and signlficanlly contributes 10 Ihe export seclor of Ihe countries In Ihe region However, Ihe productiVIty In Ihe legion 15 limited due 10 many factors Includmg biotiC and eblollc conslralOts The gap between potential and realized yield 15 large In subsistence farmlOg To address Ihese Issues, ICRISAT has been working with national panners in Ihe region to Improve producll~lly of groundnul wllh the Tropical legumes proiect suppon ICRISAT has supplied more than 2.500 trail·speClflc advanced breeding lines (reSistance to follal diseases, roselle, anatollin contamination early and medium maturing confectionery types and tolerant to droughl) to the national programs In WCA for genetic enhancemenl 01 groundnul Based on the NPT and PVS rnats the nallonal programS In Niger released four varieties (RRB, ICG 9346. J11 and Fleur 11) In Nlgsria Ihlse shon-dUratlon, roseUe resistant varielles (Samnul-24 Samnul-25 and Samnul.26) were released In Mali eight varielies includmQ ICGV 86015 and ICGV 86124 were selected by famers While Sill and four varieties were released In Senegal and Ghana respectl~ely Most of these varle!!ea were preferred by farmers for Ihelr high yield, disease resistance. drought lolerance. shor1 duratIon, seed size, sullablhty for home consumplion, seed color and demand and had Yield advanlage of up to 42% oyer Ihe local vane-Iles grown by farmers The currenl efforts 10 deploy modern breet:llng approaches and lools 10 enhance genellc gains are discussed

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