Performance of Barley Lines Selected under Drought Stressed Conditions and Ultra-Low Density
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Open access
Hajer Ben Ghanem, Mouldi El Felah, Asma Najar, Zakaria Kehel, Salah Rezgui, Athanasios Tsivelikas. (1/6/2018). Performance of Barley Lines Selected under Drought Stressed Conditions and Ultra-Low Density. Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection, 13 (1), pp. 1-25.
Rainfall and temperature are unpredictable in Mediterranean environments, which result in irregular
environmental conditions for crop growth and a critical source of uncertainty for farmers. In this study,
selected barley lines for grain yield stability under drought stressed conditions and ultra-low plant density
(Honeycomb design), were evaluated for agronomic performance in semi-arid areas (Kef and Mornag)
compared to the source material. Results showed a significant effect of genotype and
genotype×environment (G×E) interaction which indicate the existence of differences among genotypes
for plasticity. Biological and grain yield ranged from 3.72 to 7.13 t/ha and 1.46 to 2.66 t/ha across
environments with higher values in Kef compared to Mornag. Five high yielding selected lines outyield
the original populations (IH17 and IH4-H4 from Imen, AH10-H2 and AH10-H3 from Ardhaoui and
MH18 from Manel). The first cycle low yielding lines showed a performance that ranked below the
source material. Second cycle high yielding lines did not differ from the first cycle high yielding ones.
In conclusion, selection under ultra-low density has been proven an efficient tool to select for lines with
high agronomic performance and improved adaptation under the Tunisian dry conditions
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Kehel, Zakaria
Tsivelikas, Athanasios
Tsivelikas, Athanasios