Germination dynamics of Acacia species under different seed treatments

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Fahim Ghassali, Amin Khatib Salkini, Steven Petersen, Abdoul Aziz Niane, Mounir Louhaichi. (21/7/2012). Germination dynamics of Acacia species under different seed treatments. Range Management and Agroforestry.
Establishment of Acacia is typically inhibited by hard seed coat. This study was conducted to evaluate effective seed stratification methods for fourteen Acacia species, using water (control), boiling water, sulphuric acid and mechanical scarification techniques. Highest germination was observed with sulphuric acid treatment. Average non-germinated seeds were 95% in the control. The highest germination percentage was recorded in A. victoriae, A. deanii ssp deanii, A. deanii ssp paucijuga, A. farnesiana, A. karroo, A. pruinocarpa, A. saligna under sulphuric acid treatment, A. ligulata, A. aneura, A. blakei, A. estrophiolata when using hot water, A. kempeana, A. pendula, A. sparsiflora using mechanical scarification. These results indicate the importance of proper seed stratification in Acacia species.

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