Assessment of Cassava Retting Ability of produced in different regions of Cameroon (Foumbot and Mbalmayo): Identification of contrasted varieties

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Germaine Wakem, Robert Ndjouenkeu, Dominique Dufour, Fliedel Genevieve, Thierry Tran, Didier Mbeguie a Mbeguie. (23/11/2020). Assessment of Cassava Retting Ability of produced in different regions of Cameroon (Foumbot and Mbalmayo): Identification of contrasted varieties. Lima, Peru: International Potato Center (CIP).
We examined here the effect of genotype and grown area on retting ability of different cassava varieties. To this end, 17 cassava varieties were harvest from two agro ecological regions from Cameroon and subjected to retting process in the field and in the laboratory. Using a texture analyzer, root softening was measure daily during retting in order to monitor the process. Our preliminary data indicated some interesting trends with a putative effect of growing area. They also led us to point out some putative contrasted verities displaying different ratting properties. These tendencies need however to be confirm by statistical data analysis before using the putative contrast varieties as model for comparative study of the physiological bases that govern retting and related biophysical indicators

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