Understanding farming system and crop-livestock value chains dynamics to identify potential interventions to improve farmers’ livelihoods in Niger and Burkina Faso

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Clarisse Umutoni, Vincent Bado. (13/2/2020). Understanding farming system and crop-livestock value chains dynamics to identify potential interventions to improve farmers’ livelihoods in Niger and Burkina Faso.
This report conducted more research on integrated technologies; practices or management options to improve the inclusive crop-livestock systems value chains, increase incomes, reduce poverty and improve nutrition and health. The project baseline study aimed at understanding crop-livestock value chains in Burkina Faso and Niger. The baseline data was collected in Niger and Burkina Faso, two neighboring Sahelian countries with similar constraints in their agro-pastoral systems. The findings of this study revealed among others: low involvement of youth in agriculture activities, low level of organization among farmers, and low support received by farmers from extension officers.