Agricultural water productivity for rainfed areas in 2008

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Chandrashekhar Biradar, Layal Atassi, Theib Oweis, Mira Haddad. (31/10/2017). Agricultural water productivity for rainfed areas in 2008 [Spatial (raster)].
Agricultural Water Productivity (WPM) (kg/m3) was determined for each pixel by dividing crop productivity (kg/ha) raster layer by seasonal crop water use in terms of actual evapotranspiration (m3/ha) raster layer.The WPM was for 2008, which was dry year and hence considered a deficit period based on the annual mean precipitation data at the basin level estimated by SIWI. The rainfed areas were determined based on IWMI’s irrigated and rainfed area mapping procedures. This layer was one of the layers produced for “Supporting Coordination and Cooperation in Water Management in the Euphrates and Tigris Area CPET” project. The project aims to assess the status of water use in agriculture in the Euphrates-Tigress basin, determine and map the agricultural water productivity and identify options for improving it in problem areas of the basin in Turkey, Syria and Iraq.