Improving selection efficiency for drought adaption in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) by tracking plant canopy traits using LeasyScan Project Completion Report
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Vaibhav Chaudhary, SK Gupta. (15/1/2020). Improving selection efficiency for drought adaption in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L. ) R. Br. ) by tracking plant canopy traits using LeasyScan Project Completion Report.
Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is grown on about 8.5 m ha with production of about 9.5 m tons (AICMIP, 2016). For the current study hybrids from zone A1, A and B were selected along with their parents. Pearl millet checks were also tested along with these entries representing each zone. This constituted 1st of testing material. This 1st set of testing material was evaluated at LeasyScan-ICRISAT for summer and rainy 2017 season and also at four target ecologies of Rajasthan – A1 zone. ICRISAT weather data logger was installed prior to the start of cropping season at two locations for collection of rainfall data. On rest of the locations meteorological department already existed. Visits to the experiment at all the location in rainy 2017 was made, monitored and data was collected. After the cropping season two location were not considered for study due to: data collection was not done properly at SKRAU, Bikaner and due to heavy rainfall (more than 400mm rainfall) at ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur. Rest two locations: Molasar and Alwar were considered for the experiment.
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Gupta, SK