ACIAR Funded Project Forage project second transition Workshop

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Mounir Louhaichi, Sawsan Hassan. (5/7/2018). ACIAR Funded Project Forage project second transition Workshop.
The meeting started at 10:30 with holy Quran recitation by Mr. Manan. Mr. Obaidi started and gave a brief about importance and Forage project implantation, he valued the in regards of capacity building enhancement. Mr. Qudratullah Soofizada highlighted the importance of brining all the people together in order to solve most of the issues especially how to handover and transfer the technologies, equipment’s, data and information to Afghani partners. Dr. Manan emphasized the need to link the findings of forage project with the cereals project. Mr. Abdul Waseet nominated to replace Mr. Munir seddiqi who left the working committee. It is agrred to conduct two training courses in 2018: Data collection, handling, analysis and interpretation and Training on seed processing. It was decided that Project data will be shared and analyzed. Also two equipment’s to be transferred to ARIA: seed thrasher and Seed cleaner.

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