Complete Scaling Readiness Study of Agroecological Farming Approach and Conservation Agriculture System in Morocco

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Murat Sartas, Enrico Bonaiuti, Svetlana Saakova, Valerio Graziano, Akmal Akramkhanov. (31/12/2021). Complete Scaling Readiness Study of Agroecological Farming Approach and Conservation Agriculture System in Morocco.
The agroecological farming approach (agroecology) is an innovative approach that aims at "increasing effectiveness, efficiency, inclusivity and sustainability of agricultural systems" . Multiple international and national investors in Morocco have worked on and supported agroecology and other related innovations in forestry sectors. Among these organizations, Morocco National Agricultural Research Institute have made significant contributions in advancing agroecology . This study is prepared to complement Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness in the Near East North Africa Central Asia and Europe efforts in Morocco. It follows the technology and innovation management approach initially developed by NASA and later used by the European Union, and uses the methods of Scaling Readiness* to assess the innovation and scaling aspects of agroecology. It also provides recommendations for improving its impact at scale performance. The information presented in the study was synthesized from available evidence on the components of agroecology in Morocco and beyond. The study covered 221 evidence sources including journal articles, books, maps, reports, statistics, web pages, and complementary interviews for identifying, formulating and assessing the Readiness and Use of innovation components and complementary innovations in the innovation package. Evidence sources were in English or the English translations of multiple other languages.