Adoption and impacts of improved chickpea on productivity and food security in Ethiopia
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Conrad Murendo, Setotaw Ferede, Angeline Mujeyi, Asnake Fikre, Nigusie Girma, Mazvimavi Kizito, Mekasha Chichaybelu. (1/3/2021). Adoption and impacts of improved chickpea on productivity and food security in Ethiopia.
This report analyzed the impact of improved chickpea adoption on productivity and food
security in rural Ethiopia? We estimate the effect of improved chickpea adoption on
productivity with instrumental variable regression. We rely on Negative Binomial regression
to analyse the impact of adopting improved chickpea on food and nutrition security. We found
that chickpea adoption significantly increases chickpea productivity in Ethiopia. In addition,
crop chemicals and hired labour had a positive and significant effect on productivity.
Government can therefore initially introduce input subsidies for chickpea farmers since the
new improved seeds are associated with higher input use compared to the traditional varieties.