SmaRT Ethiopia stakeholder workshop: consolidating and capitalizing on experiences and going beyond

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Beamlak Tesfaye, Barbara Rischkowsky. (15/12/2021). SmaRT Ethiopia stakeholder workshop: consolidating and capitalizing on experiences and going beyond. Kenya: CGIAR Research program on livestock Agri-Food Systems.
On 1-2 November 2021, the SmaRT (Small Ruminant Value Chain Transformation) Ethiopia Priority Country Project (CRP Livestock) convened a completion workshop attended by ICARDA, ILRI and CIAT team members and major partners and stakeholders to review and discuss the major achievements of the project and identify remaining challenges and bottlenecks for wider adoption of the integrated innovation package designed by the project. The first day was an internal meeting of SmaRT Ethiopia international and national team members with the objectives to (1) reflect on collective experiences, sharing key policy, investment and practice lessons and insights that can accelerate the development and uptake of SmaRT pack technologies, and 2) capitalize on experiences gained to guide and inform the design and delivery of future R4D aiming at enhancing the small ruminant sector in Ethiopia. On the second day, the team was joined by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and national research institutes. Critical success factors and delivery services for uptake of SmaRT pack technologies and first steps towards a road map for integrating SmaRT pack technologies into the national red meat sector development plans were discussed.

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