Assessing Institutional Barriers to Effective Dissemination Strategies of Proven Water Management Practices to Face Climate Change Threats in the Citrus Growing Area in Tunisia

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Lasram, Asma
Dellagi, Hatem
Dessalegn, Bezaiet
Dhehibi, Boubaker
Ben Mechlia, Netij


Asma Lasram, Hatem Dellagi, Bezaiet Dessalegn, Boubaker Dhehibi, Netij Ben Mechlia. (19/5/2021). Assessing Institutional Barriers to Effective Dissemination Strategies of Proven Water Management Practices to Face Climate Change Threats in the Citrus Growing Area in Tunisia, in "Agriculture Productivity in Tunisia Under Stressed Environment". Germany: Springer (part of Springer Nature).
Social and economic development depends on the sustainable management of natural resources to withstand shocks of climate change and reliably support livelihoods. In this context, extension and advisory services are critical for raising awareness and transferring knowledge to reduce farmers’ vulnerabilities. This study critically examines the nexus between research, extension, and farmers focusing on institutionalized opportunities and barriers to transfer of knowledge on better water resource management in Cap Bon citrus area. Analysis of collected qualitative data reveals weak linkages between research and extension and the lack of accountability among relevant institutions. The study suggests that the extension delivery system can be greatly improved by abolishing administrative barriers, enhancing opportunities to transfer knowledge through improved communication and the feedback among the institutions, and granting extension agencies some autonomy.

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