Best practices on date palm cultivation and their effect against RPW Infestation

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Mohamed Ben-Salah. (25/11/2018). Best practices on date palm cultivation and their effect against RPW Infestation. Beirut, Lebanon.
Red Palm Weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) became one of the most devastating pest in the date palm, which has been spreading rapidly from East to West in the last 30 years and now it’s been reported in almost all date-producing countries in the world. Date palm tree is quite sensitive to field operations. The optimum production and better health of the trees are directly linked proper management of the orchard by the growers. Number of critical field operations, such as choice of offshoots, spacing, fertilization, irrigation, fruit thinning, leaf pruning, pest management, and harvesting are important field practices. proper cultivation operations can reduce pest infestation on date palm tree and fruits nearly 50%, ameliorate the health of date palm tree and its production over long-term. It’s been reported to spread widely through alternative host plants such as ornamental gardening, transported material and unmanaged orchards. The present paper aims to show importance of farming practices to reduce infestation of pests, especially Red Palm Weevil in the date palm orchards.

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