Evaluation plant water budget of orphan grain legume species in lysimeters and of traits related to plant water budget in the LeasyScan facility

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Vincent Vadez. (31/1/2017). Evaluation plant water budget of orphan grain legume species in lysimeters and of traits related to plant water budget in the LeasyScan facility.
For the first three experiments in lysimeter the genetic material consisted of 22 genotypes, 13 of lablab, horsegram, moth bean, rice bean and cowpea, which were benchmarked to 9 genotypes across mungbean, soybean, peanut and bean. For the remaining experiment, 90 genotypes were used (lablab-23, horsegram-22 moth bean-9, rice bean-10, cowpea-15, which were benchmarked to 9 genotypes across mungbean (2), soybean, peanut and bean (3 each). Plants were grown in 1.2m PVC tubes, 20 cm in diameter, filled with Vertisol from the ICRISAT farm, fertilized with single super phosphate and muriate of potash, both at a rate of 200mg kg-1 soil.

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