Focus on Seed Programs The Seed Industry in Egypt
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Open access
Mohamed Salah Abd El-Wanis, Chris Weisbecker. (1/1/2001). Focus on Seed Programs The Seed Industry in Egypt. Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Egypt is located between longitude 30oE and latitude 27oN. It is
bordered by Libya in the west Sudan in the south and Red Sea in the East
and the Mediterranean sea in the north. The country has a total area of 1,001,450
sq km and population of 70 million people with annual growth rate of 2%.
Egypt has made tremendous progress in its
overall economic and agricultural
development in recent years. The per
capita income has increased over the years,
but there is rapid population growth and
high rural to urban migration which
undermines the economic growth. In the
1980s, the GoE shifted from centralized
state planning and control towards freemarket
economy adopting various reform
programs. Since 1986/87, the Ministry of
Agriculture and Land Reclamation
(MALR) took active measures in
reforming the agricultural sector of the
economy by liberalizing production,
marketing, pricing, foreign trade and
investment in agriculture.