MEL documentation template for innovations

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Victoria Clarke, Joren Verbist. (17/12/2021). MEL documentation template for innovations. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
The template provides various sections that permit to record innovations in the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Platform, WIPO Green Database, Global Innovation Exchange Platform and Rural Solution Portal but also it permits to track the completion of documentation per field. Within the template, you may find a description of steps to documentation, the different roles and responsibilities needed and general information on the digital resources mentioned above. With the template, you can document innovation in one central sheet then export and extract the information per database. The template was developed within a series of documents including a brief and full guide on documenting ICARDA innovations. It was developed during a Knowledge Management Research Fellowship at ICARDA within the MEL Unit. The template is still in development in terms of its use and has a section where you can provide feedback to improve its user experience.

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