Demonstration of goat feeding package in community based goat improvement
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Open access
Yonas Worku. (11/11/2016). Demonstration of goat feeding package in community based goat improvement.
Pre-extension demonstration of was done to demonstrate improved goat fattening techniques using cow pea hay and concentrate mixture supplementation to farmers and extension workers and to assess farmers and extension workers reactions on the technology. At Gumara-maksegnit watershed, community based goat breeding practice have been now implemented to improve the productivity of animals. Unselected ones are culled from the stock either by castrating, slaughtering or selling to the market without fattened the animals. Therefore this research was initiated to demonstrate the improved supplementary feed practices nineteen experimental animals were selected and fattened for about 90 days. To compare the improved practice (supplementing 400gm/animals/day of which 300gm cowpea and 100gm concentrate of 50% wheat bran and 50% nug cake) with farmer’s experience twenty one other control animals were selected and compared. Training and field day were organized to evaluate and disseminate the technology. The result of body weight measurement taken showed that after 90 days on average experimental animals had 27.55kg/animal and gained about 2.95kg/animal where as the control animals had 22.7 kg weight and gained only 0.99kg. The financial also showed that the improved practice had 120% marginal rate of return (MRR) over the farmers practice. In general, it is found that supplementing 400gm/animals/day will improve animals’ body weight and farmer’s income. Hence, the fattening technology is recommended to be used by famers participated before culling their animals.