What builds into the water user efficiency at the household level - baseline analysis
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Nozilakhon Mukhamedova. (1/1/2011). What builds into the water user efficiency at the household level - baseline analysis.
Improving water use and management practices, protecting the ecosystems require considering gender
disparities and achieving livelihood and food security among the most vulnerable groups of population.
Rapid population growth in Ferghana Valley remains as one of the demographic trends which indicates to increases in demands and intensified use of water resources. Efficient and productive water use becomes key not only for large farming but also for expanding small home farming systems and other uses. Issues with non-maintained irrigation infrastructure and inconstant supplies of water by the water managing institutions indicate to the issues of unreliable water for both kitchen-gardening and drinking.
Current report is the first step to contribute to a CRP DS Central Asia flagship activity aimed at improving
Water Use Efficiency in Central Asia with a research report specifically looking at gender disparities.
Objectives of research activities were 1) to identify water use behaviors, cost and benefits, technologies and approaches applied by the household members in the rural irrigated areas. Understand reasons, disparities and triggers of efficient/non efficient water use along gender lines; and 2) to analyze women’s productive roles within small holder farming or kitchen gardening. The report is still in an on-going stage and has been contributing to IDOs 2,6 and 8).