Water Footprint Assessment of Sheep and Goat Raised Under the Agro-pastoral Production System in the CRP Dryland Systems Action Site of BeniKhedache-SidiBouzid(Tunisia)

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Ridha Ibidhi, Hichem Ben Salem. (18/6/2015). Water Footprint Assessment of Sheep and Goat Raised Under the Agro-pastoral Production System in the CRP Dryland Systems Action Site of BeniKhedache-SidiBouzid(Tunisia).
The document presents the study conducted in Tunisia. The main objective was to estimate the Water footprint of sheep and goat produced in Zoghmar community (SidiBouzid, Tunisia) justified by the fact that no knowledge so far on the water resource use for livestock production in Tunisia-basis for decision making. Research questions were: The water footprint differs between species ?; Is therea differenceon Water Footprint of sheepand goatmeatacrossseasons, inthe action site Sidi Bouzid-Beni kedache ?; What can we do?.