Are millet and sorghum good alternatives to maize in layer’s feeds in Niger, West Africa?
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Salissou Issa, Sapna Jarial, Nouri Brah, Labo Harouna. (30/11/2016). Are millet and sorghum good alternatives to maize in layer’s feeds in Niger, West Africa. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 86(11), pp. 1302-1305.
Niger is one of the West African country producing pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum, Setaria italica) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor).
While pearl millet and sorghum are for human consumption, corn is imported and its high production costs are the main constraint to
poultry production in Niger (Issa et al. 2015) As feed is the major input in poultry production and ever increasing cost and scarcity of
feedstuffs are the major constraints in poultry production (Sheikh et al. 2016). A strong increasing trend and a high variation of the
prices of cereals grains have spurred interest in using other feed ingredients produced in large scale (Ravindran 2013). Although
possible alternatives for corn substitution by sorghum in poultry diet has been extensively studied in India, US, and West Africa
(Parthasarathy et al. 2005, Issa 2009, Kawari et al. 2011, Bulus et al. 2014, Yunus et al. 2015). However, pearl millet, the cereal grain
produced and used primarily as a human food in Niger, is little tested as poultry feed ingredient. Thus, the objective of this study was to
evaluate performance, egg quality and egg cost in layers fed isocalorific and isonitrogenous diets in which corn is replaced by pearl
millet or sorghum up to 50%...