On-farm quality (certified) seed production by seed prodcuer cooperatives or groups
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Zewdie Bishaw, Adamu Molla Tiruneh. (31/12/2016). On-farm quality (certified) seed production by seed prodcuer cooperatives or groups.
Farmers from the seed producer cooperatives or groups are identified, trained and provided with seed to produce and market the seed as a group through formal and/or informal channels and return the seed in kind. Farmers took the responsibility to produce and sell through formal channels (seed enterprises or unions) or sell or exchange seed with other farmers within their vicinity and beyond. District BoA experts and development agents and research staff were also trained to supervise and monitor seed production.
In Ethiopia, the faba bean project is working in 21 zones and 62 districts with 28 licensed and 7 non-licensed seed producer cooperatives with total membership of 6644 farmers (721 female farmers,10.9%). The chickpea project is working in 14 zones and 46 districts with 20 licensed and 1 non-licensed seed producer cooperatives with total membership of 11472 farmers (1577 female farmers, 13.7%). NARS partners mobilized the available faba bean and chickpea seed and distributed it to the seed producer farmers. About 2842 farmers (365 female farmers, 12.84%) were provided with 155 t of small seed pack of improved faba bean and chickpea varieties as part of technology out-scaling for on-farm seed multiplication and revolving seed fund scheme (Table 1). About 1026.8 ha was planted with anticipated production of 2249.5 t of seed as part of on-farm seed multiplication with seed producer’s cooperatives i.e.979,5 t of faba bean (from 391.8 ha) and 1270 t of chickpea (from 635 ha).
In addition, in Tunisia, during the 2015-2016 cropping season 27 male farmers and 23 female farmers in two communities participated in seed production of improved faba bean and chickpea varieties. In Hamronia, 9 and 26 farmers, respectively planted 8 and 20 ha of faba bean and chickpea and produced 12.6 t and 31 t seed in the same order. In Neber, 13 farmers planted chickpea on 13 ha and produced 4.55 t of seed mainly because of the very bad crop establishment.
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Author(s) ORCID(s)
Bishaw, Zewdie https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1763-3712
Tiruneh, Adamu Molla https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8555-5827
Tiruneh, Adamu Molla https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8555-5827